Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How does it taste?

So, I totally cannot take credit for this concept but I love it so here is my regurgitated version....

This morning while listening to the radio, a registered dietitian called in and suggested a great way to experience your food and appreciate what you are actually eating.

Next time you eat fast food and peel the processed sticky cheese-like product from the paper wrapper of your smashed up burger, take a bite of that greasy, soggy mess and hold it in your mouth for 20-30 seconds and take time to experience the flavors and textures of the "food" you are fueling your body with.  Chances are, it won't taste like much and will feel pretty mushy!

Now try the same exercise with some "real" food. Perhaps a piece of grass-fed beef steak, an egg from a farm-raised chicken, vegetables from your own back yard (or the organic section of the grocery store.)  Taste and feel.  Think about what you are putting in your body and the nutrients it provides.

Now go forth and make good choices. 

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