Thursday, May 26, 2016

It's okay to take a break!

So maybe some of you have been wondering where I've been for a couple weeks.  Yes - I started off strong and posts slowly became few and far between, then nothing...  Many of you know that I'm going back to school in pursuit of a Masters Degree in Nutrition so for the last year and a half, I've been taking various science classes to fulfill the prerequisite requirements for that program.  I have never been a science person.  Some of it is hard for me to understand.  Maybe because my brain is 20 years older than most of the students or because I didn't take any basic science classes to refresh my memory of tenth grade biology before jumping right in.  To say the least, this has been a challenging semester in more ways than one and my blog had to be put on the back burner for a little while as I geared up for finals.

If there's one thing I have learned this year (aside from how NA+, K+ and Ca+ all work within every cell in the human body,) it is that balance is key to life and that is something we all need to work at.  I have found that at some times I have more energy for one area in my life and need to devote less energy to other areas.  Whether it be school, work, family, friends, volunteering, working out, church, hobbies, etc., there is only so much of me to go around and I need to constantly work on keeping it all balanced.  Sometimes it's okay to take a break for a season, even if it's something I enjoy doing so that I can balance out the other more important areas of my life.

So as this semester ends and summer break begins, I plan to spend more time here with you on the blog.  There are many posts to be written and recipes to be posted.  Even though my summer is already filled with camps, ball games, swim meets, travels, and many other activities, I look forward to finding balance among it all!

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