Saturday, July 2, 2016

No Excuses!

There are so many excuses not to work out.  Too tired.  Too busy. No gym membership. No workout buddy.  No workout equipment. The list can go on and on.

So, here I am in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska relaxing for a few days over the holiday weekend at my parent's house and I am in dire need of a good workout.  What do I do when down on the farm?  I head outside and round up (no pun intended) a sledge hammer, a large iron spike and a concrete block.  These are my "free weights" that I started using a couple years ago when visiting my parents and not wanting to miss a workout.

The sledge hammer works great for single arm rows, tricep kickbacks and wood chops.  The concrete block takes place of a kettle ball for plie' squats.  The large iron spike, which weighs about 30 pounds, is my barbell used for squats, lunges, dead lifts, bent rows, chest presses, bicep curls and shoulder presses,  I top off my workout each day with a two mile run down the old country road that I learned to ride my bike on many years ago.

Some may use the time away from their normal routine as an excuse to not workout. Sometimes your body needs a rest and that's okay but when you need a workout, don't make excuses! Look around and be creative.  You'll be glad you did!

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