Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Heart Day!

Today is Valentine's Day. A day to honor all things of love and pass out heart shaped cards to friends and family. Instead of eating a giant box of bon bons or artificially flavored gummy bears that will stick in your molars for days, let's take a look at some good clean food that will help take care of your real heart – the organ deep within your thoracic cavity that pumps life giving blood throughout your body.

One of the best heart healthy food to eat is salmon, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids and helps to prevent blood clotting. The recommended amount of salmon or other oily fish, like tuna and sardines, is two servings a week.

Berries, such as blueberries and raspberries contain fiber and antioxidants that help fight cancer causing free radicals and according to Web MD, 5 oz of walnuts a week can cut your risk of heart disease in half.

Foods high in potassium such as bananas, oranges and avocados help lower blood pressure and legumes and lentils like chickpeas and black beans are a great source of soluble fiber that can help lower LDL cholesterol. Oatmeal, barley and seaweed are also good sources of fiber. Olive oil is a great oil to replace vegetable oils and butter in cooking because it is not saturated and does not contain trans fat, which clog arteries.

My favorite heart healthy food is dark chocolate! Cacao is high is flavanols that help lower blood pressure and prevent blood clots. It is also an antioxidant, helping to fight free radicals and lower LDL cholesterol levels. Just make sure your dark chocolate is 66% cacao or higher to cut out unnecessary sugar. The higher the cacao content, the more bitter it will taste, so a little will go a long way and keep you satisfied longer!

These are just a few important foods to incorporate into your diet to keep your heart beating stronger and longer. What a better way to show your loved ones you care than to make some healthy changes and improve your quality of life! Happy Heart Day!

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