Thursday, February 18, 2016

Take care of yourself!

This post is a little different perspective than most.  Today I would like to focus not on physical health, but emotional well-being.  If your life is anything like mine, you are probably very busy, maybe a little overwhelmed at times and probably tired.  Maybe even downright exhausted.

Well, I'm not a magician and I don't have all the answers but I do know a few things that seem to work for me and I will share them with you:

Turn off the television. Yep. I know.  Even with a DVR full of recorded episodes of Castle and NCIS, I have found that yes, I can add more hours to my day by skipping a nightly show (or two) and my life continues to go on even though I have no idea if Castle and Beckett are back together or if Gibbs is going to retire.  I do look forward to one or two evenings a week, usually on the weekend, when I watch a recorded show or movie with my family while folding laundry or eating popcorn but during the week I  use those extra hours for study time or an earlier bed time! Which brings me to the next suggestion...

Get a good night's sleep!  Easier said than done, especially if you have a baby or toddlers in your house.  I remember those nights of interrupted sleep and days of just wanting to take a nap.  All I can say is, it does get better.  Every mom has been there.  Sleep when your kids sleep and in ten years no one will remember if you chose a nap over cleaning house.  I'm pretty sure I did every time.  If you don't have little ones waking you every few hours, it is still important to get 6-8 hours of good sleep! Really 7-9 hours is even better.  Your body needs a good night's sleep to function at full capacity just like it needs good food to fuel it.  I have found I need less coffee to stay alert, am happier, less cranky and make better decisions when I not tired.  Take it from this former night owl, there is no shame in turning in a 9 p.m.  And if you have no time in your day to work out, go to bed early and get up and do it in the morning before work.  Which leads to the next point....

Be active.  I may be a fitness fanatic now but I wasn't always so.  Especially those years of young motherhood, trying to work and breastfeed. And stay sane.  Physical activity is so good for your mental health.  It helps combat depression.  It gives you more energy. It reduces stress.  It helps prevent many chronic diseases, aids in lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol.  After a few weeks of consistent exercise you will start to notice a difference in how your clothes fit, how you feel and although it may not become your drug of choice, it will become a regular part of your day.  I have a friend that will only allow herself to watch tv if she is on the treadmill.  It's her reward for exercising and she looks forward to it. And lastly...

Do something for yourself! Get a massage or pedicure.  Invest in dancing lessons, read a book or go to the theater.  Go camping, birdwatching or grow a garden.  Take time to pray, watch a sunset or read your kid a bedtime story.  Find something that fills up you up.  Life is busy.  Crazy busy.  Stop and smell the roses.  We spend our days rushing around, trying to be everywhere, do everything and give away our energy.  If you're empty, you have nothing left to give to others.  Take a little time every day to fill yourself back up.

These are just a few suggestions that I have incorporated into my life and hope that you also find them helpful.  Have a healthtastic day!

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