Wednesday, January 11, 2017

It's a Journey!

Where are you on your health journey?  Are you where you want to be?  Are you in the same place you have been for awhile?  May be you have taken steps forward.  Maybe a few steps backward.

This time of year many people have made resolutions to work out more, eat healthier, lose weight, etc.  The sad truth is that most resolutions are only a short term goal and most people break them within a matter of weeks, if they ever get started in the first place.

I prefer to think of my health, nutrition and fitness as a lifestyle journey.  I will never arrive at my desired destination.  I will always have something more that I am striving toward.  I always want to keep improving, keep learning, make positive changes, become healthier, grow wiser.  Step by step, little by little, day by day.   I may not be where I want to be, but I am closer than I was yesterday, last week or last year.

So I ask you... where are you?  Do your actions and choices support the journey you are on or are they keeping you stuck?  Do you continue to eat something just because you want it (cookies, ice cream, fast food) or stay stuck in habits (binge watching television, not getting enough sleep, habitually drinking too much) because you want to?  There are a lot of things I want that I know are not good for me.  They do not support my journey and will only serve as roadblocks.  Some can be consumed or participated in moderation. Some things are just better left alone. They do not support my journey.

My journey is my own.  It does not look like yours and yours will not look like mine. I will not compare or judge anyone's journey to health or self-improvement. I only hope to inspire, encourage and share with others.  So wherever you are today, keep moving forward step by step, little by little, day by day and enjoy the journey!

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