Sunday, February 26, 2017

Just say NO!

Life is about balance or maybe I should say about finding the right balance.  We all like to fill our lives with things that are good and important.  Things that help us grow or learn. Sports teams, church, music lessons, book clubs or bible studies, hobbies, charities, etc.  These are all very important and good things.  But is too many good things still a good thing?

I have learned many life lessons, usually the hard way.  One of those such lessons is that a life out of balance is no life at all a.k.a. I am not super woman!  I have learned that I must pick and choose how I spend my time.  I simply do not have enough time to be involved in every activity I would like to.  Some I can only participate in for a season then move on to something else.  Some activities or commitments like church and daily workouts are a constant in my life and are non-negotiable.  Other activities like a monthly bunko group was very fun but had to be given up when I began teaching evening classes.

It is true that we will find the time to do the things that are important to us but sometimes we must first give something up to make room for something new.  It simply just is not possible (or healthy) to keep adding things - no matter how good they are - to our life and expect to be able to give our best to them all.  It only leads to becoming overwhelmed, exhausted and burn out. 

So do fill your life with good things. Grow, learn, socialize, volunteer, participate. Choose wisely and learn when it is okay to say no.

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