Thursday, February 2, 2017

So you ate a donut....

What now?! Did you just cancel out the workout you had earlier in the day? Do you start beating yourself up, telling yourself false truths like:  I will never lose this weight, I will never be able to stop eating sweets, I am a failure, I have no self discipline, I should just give up now, etc., etc., etc.

STOP!  It's time to kick those lies to the curb and take charge of your thoughts.  I know it is easier said than done but you know how the saying goes: what you think about, you bring about.  If you keep telling yourself something enough, you will start to believe it.

First acknowledge that you made a mistake or even failed.  Gasp!  I know, right!?  It's okay to fail.  It means you took a risk and tried something new instead of just settling for the way things are.  So you made a bad food choice or skipped a workout.  Does that make you a failure?  No!  What defines you is what you do next.  Do you give up, veg out in front of the television and eat your weight in chips, cookies, and ice cream for the rest of the day or take control?  Take control by acknowledging the choice you made and move on.  Replace the negative self talk with positive talk like: I am a healthy person, I am able to make healthy choices, I enjoy taking good care of myself by engaging in physical activity and eating food that is good fuel for my body, etc.

Don't let that donut or French fry or missed workout get you off track.  Pick yourself up, dust off and keep going!


"I get knocked down, but I get up again.  You are never gonna keep me down."

~ Chumbawamba

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