Monday, January 4, 2016

Get Moving!

So maybe your New Year's resolution is to lose weight or you are just feeling those holiday pounds and don't want to step on the scale.  Maybe it's not a weight issue, but a startling report from a doctor visit that you have high cholesterol, hypertension or are prediabetic.  Whatever the motivation, you are ready to move but unsure of where to start.

According to the United States Department of Health & Human Services, adults should engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week and also include muscle-strengthening activities two or more times a week.  If working out a few times a week is already part of your routine, meeting these recommendations are no problem but for many that just want to get started, it can be overwhelming and just plain confusing!

If you are a member of a gym or fitness club, everything you need is right through the door but can be somewhat intimidating if all you know how to use is the treadmill machine.  Most clubs offer new members a complementary session or two with a personal trainer.  This is a great opportunity to set realistic goals, take measurements and body fat calculations if you so choose, and have a trained professional demonstrate how to use all those strange looking machines!  You can also purchase additional sessions with trainers who will customize workout plans to help you meet your specific goals. 

Another advantage of fitness clubs are all the classes included in the membership.  Most gyms offer a variety from Bootcamp to Yoga to Zumba.  If you unsure of what the class entails, just ask. Yoga, Piyo and Pilates are low-medium intensity classes, depending on the instructor, and involve stretching, mental focus and coordinated breathing to improve posture, flexibility and core-strength.  Zumba, a latin based dance workout, and step classes which involve rhythmic step patterns on and off a slightly raised platform, are both usually very high intensity workouts that will leave you dripping with sweat!  There are also great weight training and toning classes that may be offered as rotating stations, free weights or group boot camp style classes with various names.  These are a great way to learn new exercises and techniques in a group setting and have fun!  Don't be intimidated by a new class.  Bring a friend or just ask if you can watch for a few minutes to see what the class is like before you decide if you want to participate.  You have nothing to lose but the calories you burn and remember it may take a few classes for you to get the hang of it.

If you are not a member of a fitness club, there are still great options for you!  There are DVDs, small equipment and weights that you can purchase from Target or Walmart, and many You-tube channels devoted to workouts from certified personal trainers.  If weights are still more than you are able to do right now, just start walking.  Any movement is better than no movement!  If you take your dog out for a 10 minute walk twice a day, increase it to 15 minutes.  Take the stairs instead of an elevator.  Park at the end of a parking lot and walk instead of circling for that close up spot (you will get less door dings this way, too!)  If you find yourself watching television or sports, get up during commercials and walk around your house or do jumping jacks. 

So wherever you find yourself on your fitness journey, the most important thing is to get moving.  Do something today.  Don't wait until tomorrow.  It's okay to take baby steps if you need to. Acknowledge that you may not be where you want to be.  It probably took awhile to get there and it's going to take awhile to get back.  Life is a journey, not a sprint.  It's time to get moving.

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