Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Coconut Whipped Cream

If you are like my family, we need a dairy free alternative to everything!  This recipe is as healthy as whipped cream can possibly get and tastes delicious!  Enjoy it with strawberries or on top of your favorite pie!


1 - 13.5 oz. can coconut milk (I use Whole Foods' 365 Organic Coconut Milk - do not get lite, it will not whip!)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablepoons raw honey


Refrigerate can of coconut milk over night.
Place beaters and mixing bowl in freezer one hour prior to use.
Scoop solid from can into cold mixing bowl.  Reserve the liquid for other use.
Beat cream with chilled beaters in an up and down motion until peaks form.
Add honey and vanilla & beat one more minute.

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