Saturday, February 27, 2016

Breakfast Banana Split!

Hands down, this is one of my kids' favorite breakfasts!  Just be a careful label reader.  Lots of yogurt has unnecessary ingredients like extra sweeteners, food coloring, corn starch, or other chemicals your body doesn't need.  Same with store bought granola - check for hidden ingredients like sodium and sugar. Also watch for food allergens.  Some granolas might be gluten, soy and nut free, but not all. Make sure you find the best variety for your needs or just make your own! Any way you make it, you are sure to enjoy this bowl of goodness. Seriously, who doesn't want dessert first thing in the morning?


Sliced bananas
Sliced strawberries
Plain or vanilla yogurt (we use coconut yogurt for dairy free)
Chocolate chips
Granola (your favorite variety or my recipe below)


Place fruit in bowl. Add 1/2 cup granola. Scoop approximately 1/2 cup of yogurt on top. Sprinkle with extra granola and a few choclate chips.

Homemade Granola


3 cups Rolled Oats

¾ cup Unsweetened Coconut

¼ Cup Brown Sugar

½ teaspoon Cinnamon

½ Cup Chopped Almonds or Pecans (optional)

¼ Cup Maple Syrup or Honey

¼ Cup Coconut Oil

¾ teaspoon Sea Salt


Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Combine oats through nuts in a large bowl. Combine last three ingredients in small bowl then add to large bowl, stirring to coat completely. Spread mixture onto a large baking sheet. Bake 1 hour and 15 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Chili Seasoning

A few years ago I stopped using prepackaged seasonings and began making my own mixes.  My main objective was to avoid allergens like wheat, soy and dairy. I realized that not only did my home made seasoning taste better, it was bright and colorful - not the funny gray color that I had seen pour from the aluminum lined packet. So whether you need an allergy friendly seasoning mix or just want to avoid the nonessentials like corn starch, msg, extra sodium, silicone dioxide, etc... I hope you enjoy!

2 T. chili powder
1 T. cumin
1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 tsp. red pepper flakes
1 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. sea salt
2 tsp. black pepper
1 bay leaf

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Take care of yourself!

This post is a little different perspective than most.  Today I would like to focus not on physical health, but emotional well-being.  If your life is anything like mine, you are probably very busy, maybe a little overwhelmed at times and probably tired.  Maybe even downright exhausted.

Well, I'm not a magician and I don't have all the answers but I do know a few things that seem to work for me and I will share them with you:

Turn off the television. Yep. I know.  Even with a DVR full of recorded episodes of Castle and NCIS, I have found that yes, I can add more hours to my day by skipping a nightly show (or two) and my life continues to go on even though I have no idea if Castle and Beckett are back together or if Gibbs is going to retire.  I do look forward to one or two evenings a week, usually on the weekend, when I watch a recorded show or movie with my family while folding laundry or eating popcorn but during the week I  use those extra hours for study time or an earlier bed time! Which brings me to the next suggestion...

Get a good night's sleep!  Easier said than done, especially if you have a baby or toddlers in your house.  I remember those nights of interrupted sleep and days of just wanting to take a nap.  All I can say is, it does get better.  Every mom has been there.  Sleep when your kids sleep and in ten years no one will remember if you chose a nap over cleaning house.  I'm pretty sure I did every time.  If you don't have little ones waking you every few hours, it is still important to get 6-8 hours of good sleep! Really 7-9 hours is even better.  Your body needs a good night's sleep to function at full capacity just like it needs good food to fuel it.  I have found I need less coffee to stay alert, am happier, less cranky and make better decisions when I not tired.  Take it from this former night owl, there is no shame in turning in a 9 p.m.  And if you have no time in your day to work out, go to bed early and get up and do it in the morning before work.  Which leads to the next point....

Be active.  I may be a fitness fanatic now but I wasn't always so.  Especially those years of young motherhood, trying to work and breastfeed. And stay sane.  Physical activity is so good for your mental health.  It helps combat depression.  It gives you more energy. It reduces stress.  It helps prevent many chronic diseases, aids in lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol.  After a few weeks of consistent exercise you will start to notice a difference in how your clothes fit, how you feel and although it may not become your drug of choice, it will become a regular part of your day.  I have a friend that will only allow herself to watch tv if she is on the treadmill.  It's her reward for exercising and she looks forward to it. And lastly...

Do something for yourself! Get a massage or pedicure.  Invest in dancing lessons, read a book or go to the theater.  Go camping, birdwatching or grow a garden.  Take time to pray, watch a sunset or read your kid a bedtime story.  Find something that fills up you up.  Life is busy.  Crazy busy.  Stop and smell the roses.  We spend our days rushing around, trying to be everywhere, do everything and give away our energy.  If you're empty, you have nothing left to give to others.  Take a little time every day to fill yourself back up.

These are just a few suggestions that I have incorporated into my life and hope that you also find them helpful.  Have a healthtastic day!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Heart Day!

Today is Valentine's Day. A day to honor all things of love and pass out heart shaped cards to friends and family. Instead of eating a giant box of bon bons or artificially flavored gummy bears that will stick in your molars for days, let's take a look at some good clean food that will help take care of your real heart – the organ deep within your thoracic cavity that pumps life giving blood throughout your body.

One of the best heart healthy food to eat is salmon, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids and helps to prevent blood clotting. The recommended amount of salmon or other oily fish, like tuna and sardines, is two servings a week.

Berries, such as blueberries and raspberries contain fiber and antioxidants that help fight cancer causing free radicals and according to Web MD, 5 oz of walnuts a week can cut your risk of heart disease in half.

Foods high in potassium such as bananas, oranges and avocados help lower blood pressure and legumes and lentils like chickpeas and black beans are a great source of soluble fiber that can help lower LDL cholesterol. Oatmeal, barley and seaweed are also good sources of fiber. Olive oil is a great oil to replace vegetable oils and butter in cooking because it is not saturated and does not contain trans fat, which clog arteries.

My favorite heart healthy food is dark chocolate! Cacao is high is flavanols that help lower blood pressure and prevent blood clots. It is also an antioxidant, helping to fight free radicals and lower LDL cholesterol levels. Just make sure your dark chocolate is 66% cacao or higher to cut out unnecessary sugar. The higher the cacao content, the more bitter it will taste, so a little will go a long way and keep you satisfied longer!

These are just a few important foods to incorporate into your diet to keep your heart beating stronger and longer. What a better way to show your loved ones you care than to make some healthy changes and improve your quality of life! Happy Heart Day!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Cajun Chicken & Sausage Gumbo

What better way to celebrate Mardi Gras than with some authentic Cajun food! This is an allergy friendly, health conscious dish that tastes delicious!  Feel free to add a little more spice if you like!


½ cup gluten free or all purpose flour
1 large onion, chopped
1 large green pepper, chopped
1 celery stalk, chopped
13 – 16 oz. turkey sausage, sliced in medallions
4 garlic gloves, pressed
¾ tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. black pepper
3 tsp. Creole seasoning
6 cups organic chicken broth
1 bay leaf
1 baked chicken, deboned & shredded
16 oz. package frozen okra


Heat oil in a large dutch oven over medium heat until hot. Stir in flour to create a roux, cook 8 – 10 minutes. Add onion, pepper, celery, garlic and sausage, cooking five minutes. Add salt, pepper, Creole seasoning and bay leaf. Blend completely and add broth. Bring to boil over high heat, then reduce to med-low heat and simmer for one hour, stirring occasionally. Stir in chicken and okra. Simmer one more hour. Serve with brown rice.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Amazing Avocado!

Just what is so amazing about this pear shaped alligator looking fruit? Yes. It's a fruit. It grows on a tree and contains a pit. Avocados provide almost 20 vitamins and minerals, are low in sugar, high in fiber and have a mild buttery flavor that makes them very versatile for use in dips, spreads, smoothies and a variety of recipes!

According to Medical News today, avocados contain the phytochemicals lutein and zeaxanthin, which are essential to eye health. It contain twice the amount of potassium as a banana, which helps control blood pressure, and folate which is important during pregnancy and helps lower the risk of breast cancer. Avocados are also naturally high in fiber, which is very important in maintaining a healthy intestinal tract. I don't know about you, but I would rather eat an avocado than choke down a glass of Metamucil any day!
It contains a whole alphabet soup of vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6. The avocado is high in monounsaturated (the healthy kind) fat, which helps reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, regulate blood pressure and insulin levels, reduce risk of stroke and help maintain a healthy heart. It also contains powerful antioxidants, which help fight cancer causing free radicals and helps keep us all younger looking!
According to several home remedy and natural websites, avocados can even help fight bad breath because it has all that fiber to clean out the intestines, which are the cause of a coated tongue and bad breath. Goodbye, Metamucil!
Due to its thick skin, avocados are one fruit that you don't have to buy organic and are usually pretty inexpensive. Avocados can be purchased at any stage and left to ripen on a counter. Once it is soft to the touch, peel and eat or refrigerate until ready to eat. I keep these bad boys on hand all the time...they are pretty amazing!